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Join a magical 4 day psychedelic gathering in the heart of the Swiss Alps!
A unique location
At 1500m above sea level, the Burning Mountain takes place in the middle of one of Europes highest inhabited valleys: the Engadine! Come and enjoy the campsite next to the beautiful River Inn and relax in one of the most amazing spots along the PsyTrance circuit.

Fascinating fire & art
Flamethrowers, dozens of performance artists, fire installations, a huge central fire, some say we're pyromaniacs.
Maybe they are right.
We just love to make the mountain burn!
Join artists from around the globe
Burning Mountain has undoubtedly one of the most amazing lineups presenting year after year some of the finest progressive & psychedelic trance acts from all over the world. Immerse yourself in amazing lightshows and art installations!

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