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Gallery 2024 is online

Ah, the Swiss Alps—majestic peaks, serene landscapes, and... is that a neon unicorn dancing with a fire-breathing yeti?

Yes, my friends, that can only mean one thing: the Burning Mountain Festival is back for 2024! This year’s psychedelic trance gathering was nothing short of a technicolor fever dream set against the jaw-dropping backdrop of Switzerland's natural beauty. If you’ve ever wondered what it would look like if the hills were alive with the sound of rave, this is it.

The Photos: Visual Acid Trips or Just Reality?

The photos rolling out from this year’s festival are a wild ride in themselves. Let’s start with the basics: imagine if Burning Man and Tomorrowland had a love child that was raised on Swiss chocolate and an undying appreciation for high-altitude oxygen deprivation. Sprinkle in some Northern Lights for good measure, and you’re getting close.

A Festival for All the Senses

The photos might give you a visual taste of Burning Mountain, but to truly understand the experience, you’d have to be there—sniffing the alpine air mingled with incense, hearing the echoes of trance music bouncing off the cliffs, and feeling the vibrations of a bass so deep it could trigger an avalanche. (Don’t worry, no avalanches this year. At least, none that anyone’s reporting.)

As always, Burning Mountain isn’t just a festival; it’s an escape from reality into a world where the rules of physics take a break, and imagination runs wild. Whether you’re a seasoned raver or someone who just came to see what happens when the Swiss decide to throw a psychedelic party, the 2024 edition has set the bar high—literally and figuratively.

So, if you missed it this year, don’t worry. You can always live vicariously through the photos, or better yet, start planning your costume for 2025. Just remember to pack your most fabulous yeti fur, charge your LED unicorn horn, and, for the love of all things trance, never underestimate the Swiss when it comes to a good time.

Until next year, keep your inner yeti wild and your trance beats pounding!

Head over to the galleries by clicking here then scroll down for the 2024 album. Alternatively, click on the image below.



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