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Makasha Visions

Mascha with artist name "Makasha Visions" is a German-Russian independent artist, born in Moscow and relocated to southern Germany at the age of three, where she has been living and working ever since.

Even as a child, Mascha organized exhibitions on the residential street in front of her parents' house and distributed colorful paintings on music stands for the enjoyment of the neighbors.

After training as a graphic designer and photographer, she rediscovered her passion for art after many years of inner exploration. Following a shamanic ceremony that completely opened her being and heart, she devoted her life to the craft of painting.

"Painting has brought me closer to my deepest essence. What I would describe as the 'Divine' feels immediately tangible when I surrender myself completely to the artistic process."

Since 2018, she has participated in various workshops by Alex and Allyson Grey, Amanda Sage, and online courses at the Academy of Visionary Art.

During the years of the pandemic, she had her first online exhibitions with the artist collective "Vision Train." This was followed by exhibitions and workshops in Germany and Austria. Today, Mascha works on independent projects and organizes online and offline seminars on topics such as inspiration, spiritual exploration through art, mixed media, and oil painting.



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