Nora alex is a graphic designer and artist born in Zurich. A deep
passion for art, drawing & aesthetics is part of her life since she can
After one year full time art school as a teen she went into an
apprenticeship as an interior designer combined with the matura
degree. Missing creativity and femininity in this profession, she
decided to study art education at Züricher Hochschule der Künste
(ZHdK. There she found the longing for creativity and art meeting
psychology and purpose work.
While her bachelor study organically a graphic coaching business
started to grow alongside to the work as a Yoga teacher. Her passion
in graphics is to create a memorable visual language that expresses
the offering and the intention of the client.
Finally she finds herself in a life that allows her to work very close with
people. At the same time there is space for diving deeper into art
“Drawing is a part of me since I can hold a pen. It`s a silent and often
clearer way to express myself than talking.”
